Watch your PRs like a hawk

PRGuy is a system tray app that lets you monitor your GitHub PRs in real-time.

Why use PRGuy?

The average developer has 3-4 PRs open at any given time. For each of these you have to track approvals, build statuses and comments. PRGuy makes this easy by showing you all of this information in a single place.

How does it work?

Once started, PRGuy will sit in your system tray and regularly refresh the status of your PRs and the PRs you're reviewing. Everything is done locally on your machine, so your data stays private.


To install PRGuy, you will need homebrew installed first. Then, you can just do:

brew install --cask khamidou/taps/prguy

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of data does PRGuy collect?

We don't collect any of your data. Everything is done locally on your machine. PRGuy requires the repo `scope` to access your PRs but this is only used to fetch PR comments and build statuses.

Who built this?

Hey, I'm Karim. I'm a software engineer and I built this tool to help me keep track of my PRs. I hope you find it useful too!

Copyright © 2024. Made with ♥ by Karim Hamidou